Tuesday 8 October 2013

Kembali Bergelar Pelajar


Alhamdulillah. Sedar tak sedar dah nak dekat sebulan aku bergelar sebagai seorang pelajar ijazah di UiTM Shah Alam ni. Banyak benda baru aku belajar, banyak benda baru aku discover, banyak ragam manusia aku jumpa. Tapi semua tu adalah sebahagian dari pengalaman la. Baru aku tahu macam mana rasa hidup di perantauan. Cewaahh ini baru kat Shah Alam azam oi, bukan kat overseas lagi, cerita nak gah je kan. K.

With Nurul Izzati Husna time my family nak hantar aku ke Shah Alam.

So sebagai seorang pelajar, mesti lah ada assignments, segala bagai tu kan. So here is one of my assignment for english subject : Annoying things in UiTM Shah Alam campus. It's an essay, which will summarize all I think about Shah Alam campus sepangjang aku stay sini. Takyah penat penat aku nak tulis lagi dah. Haha. 

So here it is;

     “Shah Alam campus is going to be fascinating and interesting”. That is what I thought the first time I got here. I’ve wanted to go to UiTM Shah Alam campus since diploma. Because here I thought life could be more challenging and adventurous. I went to Arau campus and it was not really adventurous since my hometown is in Alor Setar, which I can go home anytime I want regularly. But here, i'm away from my family, so I have to try to learn how to do things and solve things on my own, I have to try to be very independent which at first I thought it could be fun. But then I realize it is kind of hard when I have to deal with a lot of things here that involves my family. I admit that it took me a while to settle into this new environment.

     The first day I arrived here at the university, I was extremely thrilled by the environment, the buildings, the landscapes and the peoples, but at the first sight of my dormitory, something disappoint me a little. The lavatory is old fashion, and a bit small. The lighting is not good which makes it looks so dull, dark, and creepy. It doesn't meet my expectation, which I thought it was going to be out of the ordinary. So I was a bit frustrated about that.

    The next thing that annoys me here is the size of the classroom and the capacity of it. The classroom is very small. My group has about 33 to 37 students but all the classes around the block can only fit like 25 to 30 students. So every time we have class, some of us who arrive late will have to find their own chair in another classroom and have to sit without a table, or maybe share a table with their friend. It is never good to study like this because we cannot have a proper focus and we all know that it is not comfortable to study like that. This situation is not good for both the students and lecturers and I’m not happy about it.

      Furthermore, the class is not occupied by an air conditioning system. Just imagine how we are supposed to study properly, with a large number of students, sitting in a small room, unoccupied with an air conditioning system ? It‘s very uncomfortable ! Even the big lecture hall didn't have air conditioning ! I was so frustrated. And here I thought Shah Alam campus is more developed and advanced compared to the other campuses. But obviously I’m wrong.

    And the last thing is about the free wifi that is provided by this university. It is not convenient. It is extremely slow, that I can hardly connect to a simple website such as facebook and twitter. I am concern about this because it’s going to cause me problems when I want to do researches and assignments, which need to be done effectively by the use of internet. I think the inconvenience of this free wifi is not a good thing for not only me, but most of the students here.

     There’s a lot more annoying things happens here, but try to think it positively, every places have their own uniqueness and nature. I know the university is trying to develop more and more and I have to admire them all for that. Of course it will cost me a lot of time to adapt to this new environment. However, I've also got a few friends which I know they will help me to go through all this, and that goes to the things I love about this campus – to be around with my friends.


See you next time. In Syaa Allah. Assalamualaikum. 

Kerja oh Kerja !


Soalan yang paling femes yang akan ditanya bila seseorang tu dah tamat diploma : 

"Apa plan kau lepas ni ?"

Lalu si polan si polan pun menjawab :

    Si Polan A : "Awek aku dah tunggu lama dah wey. Apa lagi nak kahwin arr."

    Si Polan B : "Mesti la nak cari kerja beb. Cari duit."

    Si Polan C : "Mesti ar nak sambung Degree. Pastu sambung Master pulak. Then 
                      PhD lagi."

Kemain si polan C, tinggi sangat cita cita kann. Haha. Yang si polan A tu agak gatai. Tapi hakikatnya memang kebanyakan yang plan nak kahwin pun. Lepastu memacam la sinetron, samarinda, akasia, and drama2 lain yang berlaku pada masa tu. Family tak restu la, cinta terpaksa la, mentua jahat la, mati terbakar la, masalah duit la, cinta sejenis la. Eh ? K. Yang penting kalau ada jodoh tak kemana. Jangan nak berdrama sangat. 

Aku pulak ? Mesti la nak sambung degree. Sebab aku ni jenis yang suka belajar dan cepat mempelajari. Wah wah ada berbaur takbur disitu. Tapi memang betul pun. Aku suka dengan suasana belajar (even though dalam lecture pun kenkadang mengantuk jugak. heee). Kalau boleh seumur hidup nak belajar je. Taknak kerja. Haha. Lebih lebih pulak kan kau ni azam. Habis tu sapa nak support hidup kau tu kalau kau taknak kerja ? -.-"

So selepas lebih kurang sebulan menggolek golek, mengguling guling, pusing pusing, memalaskan diri dirumah lepas habis diploma, baru lah spirit nak cari kerja tu datang. Gila sangat tak produktif ok setiap hari aku. Aku dah serik. Target aku yang first sekali nak cari dekat Jefferson di Pacific. Sebab dekat alor setar, butik tu je yang aku rasa best, lagipun aku suka lipat2 baju, susun baju, pakaikan baju kat mannequin segala and boleh gak golek2 dengan baju2 kat situ kan. Motif ? Bahaha.

*Sampai dekat Jefferson*
 Perbualan dengan akak cashier :

   Aku : "Assalamualaikum kak, ada kerja kosong tak kat sini ?"
   Akak cashier : "Oh sori dik, kami sekarang cari pekerja perempuan je, sebab lelaki 

                         dah ramai."

Omaigod, omaigod, takleh jadi ni, takleh jadi ni, nak je aku capai memana rambut palsu kat kedai sebelah, takpun beli tudung, pakai, then try tanya akak tu balik. Kecewa ok kecewa. Aku pon buat muka sedih, pastu tanya lagi :

   Aku : "Alaa alaa ala. Boleh la kak, boleh la kak, saya sorang je pun. Tak kan akak 

            taknak amek lelaki yang sehensem saya ni ? *duckface*"
   Akak cashier : *gelak sekuat hati sambil hehentak tangan kat meja kaunter*

Riak ok riak. Siap buat duckface tu yang takleh blah. Yang akak cashier tu pun satu hal, gelak siap nak hehentak tangan lagi. Biadap k biadap. Nak je aku hentak muka dia dengan meja kaunter kat situ. Berderai seribu muka tu baru kau tahu padahnya gelakkan aku. Lepas dia insist yang dia taknak ambil aku kerja, terus blah, kang memacam benda aku rasa nak capai pergi baling kat dia. Geram. K.

Nak dipendekkan cerita, banyak jugak tempat aku menjelajah pergi cari kerja ni. Pasal gaji aku tak kisah sangat. Setakat 6 7 ratus tu boleh la kan. Sape je aku nak tanggung pon. Aku, and mama aku. Yang jadi hal bila ramai yang kata "Ok takpa, nanti bila ada kosong kami panggil ok ?" tapi tunggu punya tunggu tak ada yang call jugak. 

Final straw aku adalah kat stesen minyak Petron. One of my cousin suggest pergi mintak kat sana. Masa tu Petron masih lagi dalam proses renovation, tukar dari Esso ke Petron. So agak ada harapan dekat situ sebab mestilah diorang nak pakai orang baru. Dengan berbekalkan hati yang cekal dan tabah. Maka pergi lah aku meraih simpati agar dapat diambil bekerja. 

2 minggu lepas tu baru lah dapat call dari tauke Petron suruh datang jumpa. Yeah, finally. So dapat lah kerja sebagai pump attendance, dan juga cashier tatkala emergency. Haha. Boleh la jugak support diri aku and my mama for temporary. 

Kerja dekat sini, memang berbagai ragam manusia kau akan jumpa. Itu pun nasib baik aku jadi pump attendance je, suruh pergi bayar dekat kaunter, then tolong isikan minyak kat diorang. Tu je. Kalau jadi cashier memang memacam la customer akan membebel dekat kau. Lambat lah apa lahh. Fuhhh, memang tak la aku nak melayan semua tuhh. Sebab tu aku jadi cashier ganti je, time cashier nak makan or rehat, aku ganti la kejap. 

Syukur sebab sepanjang aku kerja, jarang berlaku masalah masalah besar sepeti customer mengamuk dan bertindak meletupkan stesen minyak atau sebagainya. ALHAMDULILLAH.

That's all for this entry. Thanks for reading ! See you again next time :)

p/s : tak sabar tunggu result kemasukan degree nanti ! :D